
Showing posts from November, 2016

Cloud Integration Project Update

As I’ve blogged previously, we have a number of research projects currently underway under the auspices of the UK Chapter.    One of those projects relates to cloud integration.    The cloud integration project is being led by John Arnold and John has kindly produced the below text as an example of where that project is heading.  Issues involved in cloud integration  Identity.  Users (both privileged and end users) need to access cloud services as easily as on-premises services.  Ideally, we need to achieve the following: Single administration – users don’t need to be administered separately for each cloud service.  Privileges in cloud based services can be accessed by mapping to a common identity store. Single credential – users don’t need to manage their credentials separately for each cloud service Single session – users don’t need to log on separately for each cloud service. Security monitoring.  The enterprise SOC needs to receive f...